360 Membership Beta

starting @ $3.33/month

Becoming a member requires an approved application.

See below for See below for downloadable PDF and online member application.

Becoming a member and it’s benefits.

As a 360 Member you’ll have access to exclusive content, progress assistance, networking, making it easier for you to able to create personal content for you. Resource for you to utilize however you choose. You’ll have a voice in our group and, upon member approval, will be included on inner market decisions/discussions within our community, workshops, etc..

Member access = Partnership = Support = ____

Internet and workspace can be provided if appropriate. From content creation and brain labs to discussion therapy, access allows you resources to complete your goals.

A symbiotic relationship, can only flow.

Access to certain 360 events and lectures are available as part of the member’s 360 access. 

All photos seen through out website are taken by 360 Photography.  Inquire within for photography services, 360’s photo database access, or unique content creation.

All photos seen throughout the website are taken by 360 Photography. Inquire within for photography services. 360 members gain access to the exclusive photo database, giving commercial rights and the ability to jointly form unique content creation.

“Practice the art of living in this world without losing your inner peace of mind. “

Try living in this world without losing your inner peace… just imagine it, just as a thought experiment for a few moments. This art spoken of could be coined, Equanimity. I am equanimous.

“Follow the path of balance….”

The middle path doesn’t mean you’re limiting anything, in fact it is the opposite! (#awareofduality) “….to reach the inner wondrous garden of Self-realization.” #blissfulexistence #canbe #selfselected - 360Notes on quotes. Quoted: Paramahansa Yoganada

Downloadable PDF and online member application below. Applications are reviewed in the order received.

360 Pronoia is a non-profit entity working for us, the local community.