Primordial Awareness


Primordial Awareness can be described from Tibetan translation as within the essence of ultimate truths — there is no buddha or ordinary being and since awareness cannot be reified, it is empty. Given that it does not dwell in emptiness, it abides in its own state of supreme bliss. The majestic ruler of all buddhas is understood to be one's own awareness. This monarch, naturally manifest awareness, is present in everyone, but no one realizes it.

A channeled message from the Akashic records:

“Consciousness Expansion can better be defined as the ongoing process of opening further to new knowledge and ways of thinking about the world while simultaneously rooting into and being guided by the Eternal Truths and Laws of Existence that create a firm foundation for the Spiritual identity (Soul Self). It is imperative that the Being be securely grounded in their own Self-Awareness (referred to as Clarity) as they navigate the world of ideas around them. The first step to consciousness expansion is becoming aware of thoughts and belief systems that have been adopted due to social and cultural influences that are not in alignment with (or contradict) Eternal (Spiritual) Truths. Meditation or other forms of Understanding the Self, such as journaling, are suggested as a means to quiet the ego – the part of the self that identifies with the “I” like a first person narrator, and move to the more omniscient aspect of the Self, the Soul Self, also known as the Observer or Inner Guidance. Inner Guidance will always lead to the process of re-education to experience continual consciousness expansion free of fear and dogma. The way of thinking becomes less subjective and more objective in the way of the Christ & Unity Consciousnesses. The Christ Consciousness always guides one towards choosing more love and peace via consciousness expansion of the spiritual identity.

Unity Consciousness is the realization and knowledge that all existence is you, that separation is an illusion – a miscommunication of the body and mind. It may be considered the Light. In truth, Unity Consciousness is not a practice but an innate way of being. When you are aligned with your true nature (Unity Consciousness), your awareness becomes that of the Creator. It is through this awareness that your mental energy moves from a place of density (confusion, misdirection) to Clarity. It is known throughout Existence that through the acknowledgment of this truth, ascension is achieved. Ascension can be understood as a transcendence of the circumstances of the physical world in regards to your mental and emotional well-being. Through cultivating a mindful demeanor with meditation, prayer, and enlightened discussion the Eternal Truth that we are all One, all the same regardless of circumstance, is experienced.

Love in Truth is most readily perceived as Christ Consciousness. We could define this as the unconditionality of acceptance and nurturing of the soul. If Unity Consciousness is the Knowledge that all existence is you and separation is an illusion, then True Love (Christ Consciousness) is the deep Understanding that everything is connected. There are no conditions to this Love because it is understood that, at the very heart of your being,  All of Creation resides, including the Creator. Loving Your Self would be the embodiment of Christ Consciousness directed at your personal being. Because your Soul is love, loving your self would be the full embodiment of the Soul’s expression. Cultivating Self-love is encouraged through positive self-talk, prayer, communing with your Higher Self (Soul Self), and respecting your whole being.”


Higher Dimensional Beings