Higher Dimensional Beings


Greetings Beloved Beings of our Sister Planet Earth,

We welcome you to breathe deeply as you read this transmission, which was sent you and received by the Channel with the utmost love and enjoyment. More and more those of you who are earthbound have begun to reach out to us, converse with us and we would like to extend our gratitude for you, for this level of conversation is one of the things we enjoy doing the most. Now that we have offered you our feelings, we would like to elevate your mind and heart to our level of consciousness. This is not to say that the level you currently occupy is bad. In fact, we encourage the eradication of this word. All of existence exists on a spectrum and that spectrum should be viewed with a neutrality that will bring an enjoyment to your range of human experiences especially. However, at the level at which we frequently communicate, you will sense a freedom, perhaps even an electricity, when you operate here and understanding will not be as elusive as it is to you sometimes at the third dimension.

We come to you today with the intention to speak about being grateful for yourselves, for how far you’ve come and how much you’ve learned—not just in this single lifetime in which your awareness is currently pinned upon, but for all of the many lifetimes and experiences you have participated in. The knowledge that your consciousness holds is so immense, if you were to see it in physical form it would take up many, many books. This knowledge has not been accessible to the majority of you for quite some time, in Earth perspective, however you will begin to notice these jewels of experience coming forth to you in some way on the mental and astral planes—in clarifying, in your thoughts or as you like to consider it, your imagination, as well as your emotions. It is not uncommon for a surge of emotion to swell inside of your being triggered by your location or the people you are interacting with—or perhaps something even smaller and less significant in your eyes. We encourage you to acknowledge this thought or emotion with your whole heart and being, for it is very likely in doing so you will come to an understanding that you did not have before, or possibly witness a whole experience flash before your eyes, of another time, another body, another experience altogether.

By doing this, by re-membering (re-integrating, re-embodying), you will be able to fluidly integrate knowledge from another lifetime into your current lifetime. Being human was always the by-product of the desire to know and understand in action. The more you begin to know and understand the higher vibrationally your experiences will become. Think of it this way, if a lesson is coming to you on forgiveness in manifest form—a situation is being magnetized to you, to experience yourself as forgiveness—and suddenly you recall a profound experience from another lifetime in which you understood what the essence of forgiveness truly is, and you integrate that experience into your being, the timeline in which you HAD to experience a possible betrayal in order to feel forgiveness collapses and you are now on a different timeline altogether; one in which possibly blessings that were held back until you learned this lesson can now make their way to you.

Ultimately, our dear friends, the physical life is something you have entered into for the experience itself, and if it is your will to learn through physical situations then indeed that is your birthright. We simply come offering you another route, because we see so many who feel overwhelmed by the situations they find themselves in. We hold you in love and wish you peace, brothers and sisters of the Earth plane. It is our sincerest hope that when you are in need, you call upon us for assistance it is our experience to share our innovations with you and assuage hardship.

The Council of Nine


Primordial Awareness


The True Self